Área do cliente


Nowadays, it is not possible to conceive of a respectable company or entrepreneur without Environmental Management being intrinsic to it.

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Environmental management is a business administration system that emphasizes sustainability. In this way, it aims to use administrative practices and methods to reduce as much as possible the environmental impact of economic activities on natural resources.

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Our mission in this area is to help the company and the entrepreneur to implement programs that allow them to be at the forefront of Environmental Management, thus minimizing the costs, the environmental impact of their activity and, consequently, guaranteeing them the attainment of certifications and tax exemptions/reduction.

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We provide consultancy in environmental matters, through legal advice on environmental licensing procedures, from the design of projects to obtaining the Preliminary Environmental License (LP), Installation (LI) and Operation (LO); preparation of a legal chapter on environmental impact studies (EIA-RIMA), contemplating an interpretative legal analysis of the legislation applicable to projects, at the federal, state and municipal levels; institutional articulation with the bodies involved in the licensing procedure, aiming to identify and manage potential environmental conflicts related to the installation and operation of projects, in order to provide greater transparency and speed to the procedure, according to previously defined schedules.

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Legal support for administrative procedures related to environmental studies, such as authorizations and specific licenses from agencies such as IBAMA, IPHAN, CECAV, ANA, ANEEL, INCRA, Instituto Chico Mendes, FUNAI, State and Municipal Environmental Secretariats, sanitation authorities, water resources, among other bodies; preparation of legal opinions, legal opinions and technical notes regarding specific environmental legal aspects and the effects of new standards that eventually interfere in environmental licensing procedures and operation of activities; elaboration of administrative defense and filing of legal measures, with formulation of strategy for managing environmental conflicts and adoption of compensatory measures for maintenance of activities; legal support for the survey of environmental liabilities, the respective management, as well as the performance of Environmental Due Diligence, by verifying the legal status of activities with the competent licensing bodies and legal assessment of location alternatives with indications of existing legal environmental restrictions.

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Main activities

  • Advice and Consultancy in environmental law and legislation; environmental administrative law; environmental civil and criminal law; environmental procedural law (civil and criminal); studies and drafting of Law projects for public environmental policies; Environmental Legal Management; internal legal compliance audits; supplier legal compliance audits; legal aspects of Environmental Licensing; legal aspects of the Analysis and Management of Environmental Risks and Liabilities; and, legal aspects of quality and environmental certification.
  • Consultancy in environmental legislation and assistance in obtaining licenses and in the management of claims with agencies and other government agencies for the protection of the environment.
  • Assistance in the execution of terms of commitment to adjust the conduct and preparation of administrative and judicial defenses.
  • Assistance in the implementation of environmental management systems and in certification processes under the NBR ISO 14001 standard, as well as in the management of contaminated areas.
  • Conducting environmental audits in general and defining action plans to comply with laws on the use of water and forest resources.
  • Guidance for clients in the assessment of contractual and non-contractual responsibilities in the transport of hazardous cargo, in the final disposal of waste, in the treatment of basic sanitation issues and in the modeling of projects aimed at the carbon market and the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity.
  • Guidance for public entities (city halls) in the elaboration of municipal environmental laws and policies; in addition to the Development and Formatting for municipalities of a legal framework, for the implementation and implementation of municipal environmental policy; the municipal policy on environmental management; the municipal water resources management policy; the Municipal Solid Waste Policy; of the Municipal SGA; the municipal environmental code; in addition to Consultations, studies and opinions on matters related to the Environment.
  • Consultancy for companies (public and private) to organize and set up their Environmental Legal Management and respective suppliers.
  • Advice on Environmental Impact Study (EIA) and Environmental Impact Report (RIMA).
  • Judicial litigation.

Pouso Alegre - MG

+55 (35) 3425-4049

Av. Vicente Simões, 955

CEP: 37553-465


Poços de Caldas - MG

+55 (35) 3713-2036

Praça Francisco Escobar, 58

CEP: 37701-027


Belo Horizonte - MG

+55 (31) 98355-3471

Rua Paraíba, 550

CEP: 30130-140


São Paulo - SP

+55 (11) 91367-8813

Av. Brig. Faria Lima, 3144

CEP: 01451-000


São José dos Campos - SP

+55 (12) 99707-5055

Av. Cassiano Ricardo, 319

CEP: 12246-870


Pouso Alegre - MG

+55 (35) 3425-4049

Av. Vicente Simões, 955

CEP: 37553-465


Poços de Caldas - MG

+55 (35) 3713-2036

Praça Francisco Escobar, 58

CEP: 37701-027


Belo Horizonte - MG

+55 (31) 98355-3471

Rua Paraíba, 550 - 8º andar

CEP: 30130-140


São Paulo - SP

+55 (11) 91367-8813

Av. Brig. Faria Lima, 3144, 3º Andar

CEP: 01451-000


São José dos Campos - SP

+55 (12) 99707-5055

Av. Cassiano Ricardo, 319

CEP: 12246-870


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